Long-term cooperation enabling over a decade-long utilization of the CONSORG BI Studio system and its continuous adaptation to changes occurring within the company and the business environment. Support of business processes primarily in the areas of budgeting, controlling, as well as economic and financial analysis and projections.
How did it start?
The beginnings of BI solutions implementation in KLER S.A. date back to 2005. Their design was based on the previously functioning ERP system, Impuls BPSC. In 2005, the first data warehouse for customer orders was implemented.
Implementation stages
Development and implementation of a model for sales analysis, including orders
The implementation aim was to provide maximum knowledge about the sphere of orders received by the KLER company, translating these orders into specific sales and complaints.
Development and implementation of a budgeting model
The solution's construction was based on combining cost cubes with a budgeting portal.
Development and implementation of an internal results accounting module
A two-part calculation of multi-level cost coverage margins calculating margins on production and trade divided into individual showrooms.
Development and implementation of a stock analysis model – analysis of stock levels of individual products at individual showrooms
Providing data on daily stock levels of individual products at individual showrooms, consequently enabling the realization of inventory turnover analysis.
Implementation effects
improvement of economic results
reduction of investment value from the perspective of company expenditures
impact on improving production efficiency
reduction of fixed costs
identification of economically inefficient areas – providing data to initiate the process of liquidation or restructuring of these areas
awareness of investment needs necessary to maintain market position with long-term financial capabilities
ability to shape economic results
fast report generation References