Summary of 2023

Marian Szary Marian Szary

In 2023, at Consorg, we celebrated not only numbers but above all, results. Like every year, 2023 brought many successes, but also some setbacks. The greatest success, of course, lies in successful implementations and satisfaction with our services. In the past year, we had several interesting implementations. It's important for us not only that the client is satisfied with the implementation itself but also with the economic effect of our solutions. This year, the latest budgeting tools based on our docStudio platform were implemented. What benefits did this bring to our clients?

  • Firstly, it offers user-friendly and IT-friendly web-based planning tools that work seamlessly with Excel.

  • Secondly, the calculation engine recalculates the budget in 3 seconds after any data change.

  • Thirdly, the solution is cost-effective and does not require many administrative procedures.

  • Fourthly, it's flexible and meets clients' unique requirements.