Rounding values ​​on forms

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Many of the results and breakdowns are for millions or smaller sums. Companies often number in the thousands for several reasons:

  1. Readability and transparency - data extension simplifies their reception and makes them more transparent.

  2. Number scaling - Converting data into three months allows values ​​to be shared on scales.

  3. Reducing the risk of errors - when entering and loading data presenting them in thousands, reducing the risk of mistakes such as illegal reading of large data or unnecessary zeros.

  4. Placement in business context - in financial, functional or budget reports, two often better convey the context of coverage or access other than a number.

  5. Compliance with international standards - in many countries it is the practice to present financial data in thousands or millions, e.g. in stock exchange reports or corporate documents.

  6. Save space - in tables, charts or reports, numbers in thousands take up less space, which makes document formatting easier.

The problem is that when the data is divided by one thousand and rounded at the level of each node, some of the numerical value information is lost. Adding such rounded values ​​leads to errors that accumulate in the final result. Bearing this risk in mind, our specialists have implemented a functionality that allows viewing incorrectly rounded nodal positions.

As you can see in the attached screenshot, docStudio presents such differences by marking them with a characteristic red icon, in this case (+1K). This is important information for the user that the indicated nodal position is overestimated by PLN 1,000 and we need to make a correction after generating the report.
