Long-term cooperation enabling over a decade of exploitation of the CONSORG BI Studio system and its continuous adaptation to changes occurring within the company and the business environment. Support for business processes primarily in the areas of budgeting and controlling, as well as economic and financial analysis and projections.
How did it start?
The process of building a controlling model at TAURON Wytwarzanie SA (formerly Południowy Koncern Energetyczny S.A.) was initiated parallel to the establishment of PKE SA in 2001 when eight previously independent entities producing electricity and heat were incorporated. This created the largest energy production company in Poland at the time, with a 16% market share in energy.
Implemented modules:
Development and implementation of methodology for financial analysis
Development and implementation of methodology for generating cash flow statements
Development and implementation of methodology for generating full balance sheets and profit and loss accounts on a monthly basis
Implementation of budgeting system
Development and implementation of G-10 report
Development and implementation of a module supporting the ownership supervision process (number of entities: 46)
Implementation effects:
Improvement of economic results
Reduction of investment value from the perspective of plant expenditures
Impact on improving production efficiency
Reduction of fixed costs
Identification of economically inefficient areas - provision of data to initiate the process of liquidation or restructuring of these areas
Awareness of investment needs necessary to maintain the Group's market position with long-term financial capabilities
Possibility to shape the economic results of the group
Quick generation of reports